

Video Supply Side Platform

Thousands of opportunities to get revenue extending the reach of your video content globally.


About Supply Side Platform is a rapidly growing provider of game-changing video advertising services, providing ample opportunities to reach the high point in the online video industry.

Key facts

0+ domains
registered with Videe.TV
video views monthly
Over 0
ad opportunities daily
Various video pieces
in library with 0+
categories and

How it works

Upload your videos
Categorize your videos content
Start earning money with us
We are streaming your videos to our publishers’ websites with video ads appearing before them and you, in turn, are getting a share from the gained revenues

What you get


Extra income with flexible payouts policy

Due to our access to the top DSPs, every single video is accompanied with a video ad

Video content reach extending into global markets

Get your content delivered to your audience worldwide

Cross-device video streaming

Deliver your videos to multiple devices

Robust optimization tools & Reporting

Track your videos performance in real-time

We welcome Video Creators to join us within Beta launching

Add your videos to our content library
and start generating revenue from your creatures!